
Enroll in Alerts so you can stay connected to your finances!

Take some of the worry out of your financial life; use Alerts to keep informed about transactions and security changes to your accounts.

Benefits of Alerts

  • Available 24/7/365
  • Accessible through Online and Mobile Banking
  • Choose your preferred delivery method
  • Customize alerts that are important to you
  • Set specific thresholds for transactions

Enroll in Alerts

  1. Login to Online or Mobile Banking
  2. Navigate to the account you want to set alerts for
  3. Select Alert Preferences
  4. Choose between a Balance alert or a Transaction alert and then click + Add Alert
  5. Configure the settings and click Add Alert
  6. Begin receiving alerts when the criteria has been met!

Balance Alerts

  • Alert me when the balance goes below $______
  • Alert me when the balance goes over $______

Transaction Alerts

  • Alert me when a credit is over $_______
  • Alert me when a debit is over $_______